Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Time lapse that will blow your mind.

A fellow photographer, Eric Skaar, posted this earlier today and I couldn't believe my eyes. Can you imagine the pre production that is involved with a project like this? I get a headache just thinking about it. Its an ad for the new Olympus PEN E-P1 and they used over 9,600 prints and took over 60,000 pictures, as well as shooting 1,800 pictures for the video itself. Talk about taking the time lapse to the next level. You should watch it over and over again.


So This is My Blog

Here is the first post on my new photography blog. I'm new at this blogging thing and I'm not a writer so it will be a learn as I go process. Let me tell you a little about me. I'm a Seattle based photographer that has been mainly shooting stock as of recent, my favorite camera is my twin-lens Yashica, and I really enjoy an intense game of Connect Four.

Every morning after I make a pot of coffee and check emails, I spend a good amount of time reading other people's blogs(Rachel Hulin's is my favorite). So why did I decide to blog? Its a good way to show off new work, share info on the latest and greatest in the photography world, talk about . . . . well, whatever I want because its my blog.

Hope you enjoy the new blog. I'll try to update it as much as possible to keep it interesting. Feel free to email me any suggestions you might have to make it better. My new portfolio website should be up soon to follow so keep an eye out for it.

Thanks for reading!