Friday, January 8, 2010

Yeah for 2010!

I'm always excited to start the new year. The holidays always seem to be pretty hectic, flight delays, riots at Walmart, stressing about deciding what to get people. Its always a breath of fresh air when the first of January comes around. This year especially because 2009 was a bit of a drag.

People are always asking "What's your New Years resolution?". I really can't say that it is one thing. Instead, I made a list of goals I want to achieve in 2010 and divided it into three categories, business, financial, and personal. I plan on checking them off as I achieve them. One of which is posting on this blog at least once a week so keep an eye out. There are a number of other blogs with posts similar to this, check out Nick Onken's.

Hope everyone has an excellent and fruitful 2010!


PS The new website is almost done and should be up soon!