Monday, December 20, 2010

This is Nigeria

I've recently been going through the images from my trip to Nigeria back in 2006 and wanted to share a couple that you more then likely haven't seen.  For those of you that don't know, I traveled there for a month with Eze Anamelechi and musician Norman Baker to take photos and experience life in West Africa.  From the minute we landed in Lagos, I was blown away by everything happening around me. Imagine 150 million people in a country twice the size of California.  Aside from the first and last couple days of the trip that we spent in Lagos, most of our time was spent in a village just north of the city of Owerri.  I realize the country has a bad rap with all the corruption and oil money and email scams but Nigerian hospitality is by far the best I have ever experienced in the world, even compared to the US.  Click on the images to see a larger version. Hope you enjoy them!  

25 more images after the jump....

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